Wednesday, August 9, 2017

10 Unnecessary Items In The Work Refrigerator

1. Bag of potato chips
2. Package of Hostess cupcakes
3. Plate of graham crackers with frosting
4. Open, half-empty bag of potato chips
5. Plastic tub of sour-cream-and-onion-flavored crackers
6. Snack-size bag of white cheddar popcorn
7. Crumpled, empty bag that used to contain potato chips
8. Large, zippered insulated cooler--also empty
9. Open pack of half-eaten oatmeal cookies
10. Jar of peanut butter


  1. What, you don't have someone that bought groceries during lunch and stored them in the fridge until they go home?

    1. I'm sure we do, but even for purposes of this post scruples prevented me from opening the many plastic grocery bags that are in there to see what's inside. Too bad. :)
