Sunday, January 1, 2017

1 Corinthians 13: A Revelation

Love is patient; Love is kind.
Love does not envy or boast; it isn't arrogant or rude.
Love doesn't insist on its own way;
Love does not always have to have first place.
Love knows who it is.
If you ask Love's opinion on a pizza you are making, Love will say,
"I think it needs more mushrooms";
If you say, "But you don't like mushrooms," Love will say,
"I know, but you do."
(Love is the one who bought the mushrooms in the first place
and told you to put them on the pizza.)

Love is not irritable or resentful;
Love does not call names.
Love never, ever, ever
tries to hurt or scare you.
Those things have no place in Love.
Love says, "Tell me how I can help," and
 "Thank you for telling me."

Love is never happy at someone else's expense,
but Love rejoices at your success, your happiness. 
Love doesn't kick you sharply under the table in company
to tell you to shut up because you talk too much.
Love loves to hear you laugh.

Love is patient--oh, so patient;
and Love is unfailingly kind. 
Love is not deceived or deterred or dissuaded by fear;
Love seeks out the truth
and is willing to be changed by it.
Love brings its whole self to the table. 

 Love bears with you,
believes in you,
holds out hope for you,
and endures whatever comes
 together with you.

Love never fails.

1 comment:

  1. Nice depiction of Love! Love is a verb, love does 😍
