Tuesday, May 5, 2015

An Open Letter To My Kids, On This, The Most Ridiculously Overscheduled Week Ever

This week will be a rough one.  I know we are all busier than we want to be, you are both balancing more than you are used to, and there won’t be much time for many of the things you usually enjoy.  And worst of all, at least for me, I will not be able to give each of you nearly as much of my own time or attention as I would like.

No one will be nagging you to take out the trash or clean up your mess—you will have to notice the things that need to be done and make the effort to do them yourselves.

No one will be chasing around after you and obsessively looking out for you—you will have to look out for yourselves and for each other.

I have confidence in both of you to handle all this well.  Don’t gorge yourselves on soda and video games just because no one’s looking.  Get as much sleep as you can.  Eat a fruit or vegetable—I spent money on them specifically so you could stay nourished this week while no one is feeding you.  Pause a minute to take some deep, cleansing breaths if you need to.  Remember your priorities.

Please know that I am immensely proud of both of you—not just for your many talents which are keeping us running this week, although those are wonderful too, and it’s great to see you both finding the fit for your own unique strengths and gifts—but even more than that, for the ways I see you take responsibility, show initiative, and exemplify compassion, as you work together to keep this family running, make this house a home, and care for each other and me.  These things speak volumes about the young men of character you are becoming.  I’m grateful for the privilege of being your mom, and there’s nobody I’d rather be in it with when the chips are down.  We’ve got this.


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