Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My Life (Not Jen's) In Texts

We went shopping for the tights. We also bought a bow tie. Because we saw one.

Running about 15 minutes late.
No problem. So I'll just come at my usual time then.

I'm not being productive.
Do you need some Cheez-Its?

I just sent my kid off in my car with my credit card.
Nothing can go wrong with that. 

Something's gone horribly awry, I'm like 10 minutes early.

It is ofc
*Of course* sorry teenage text talk right there lol
I would have guessed "official". This is why they have those parent seminars to teach me what you're hiding from me with secret codes.
Lol it's not a secret code just abbreviations.
Same same.

Mom gt me out of the grp cht, its killing my mins & evry time i chk my phone i hve 13 of thse wrd ons wer you hv to dwnld thm
Why not???
That means "no problem".
Ooooooh ok

We have lots of spirited psuedo-intellectual debates.
That's not even a little surprising.

I just accidentally had the TV on the beginning of The 700 Club. This was Pat Robertson's opening statement: "Well, it looks like Donald Trump is putting together just the *best cabinet* in memory."
One good thing is, it doesn't appear that Pat Robertson will be in the cabinet. 

Where are you, i'm kind of hungry.

Why is there a shirt of yours lying on the floor, soaking wet?
It dropped off of me on my way to school and when i came home i found it on the ground with tire tracks on it.
Shirts don't "drop off" if you're wearing them.
It was in my jacket pocket.
I see.

My mom probably thinks I'm dead.
Nah, she has your number.

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