Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Christmas Tradition

A while ago, in a group of friends, we somehow wandered onto the topic of everyone's personal movie kryptonite--you know, that movie that you've seen a million times, but you just can't help watching again anyway?  Even if it's already halfway over, or you were already on your way to bed, or you only turned on the TV to watch something else?  I know there are some movies like this that have their own almost cult following, like The Shawshank Redemption.  Or, in my dad's case, The Outlaw Josie Wales.  Everyone in the circle was sharing their own favorite.  Someone turned and asked me, "So Lisa, what's the movie you always watch whenever it's on?"  I answered immediately, without thinking, "That's easy.  Talladega Nights."  There was a silence.  Glances exchanged.  Then someone said, "Really??"

So maybe the Ballad of Ricky Bobby doesn't hold the same appeal for everyone as it does for me.  But at least at Christmas time, I ask you all to indulge me.  I won't try to write about it again.  But I will link to what I wrote about it last year.  Give Ricky Bobby a chance, folks--that's all I ask.

I Like to Think of Jesus

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