Saturday, January 18, 2014

10 Things I Wish I'd Learned Sooner

1.  Not everyone is trying to do the right thing, or even to do their best.  Sometimes people don't care, don't try, don't know any better, or actually don't mean well.

2.  While giving the benefit of the doubt is important, and so are second chances, it is vital to know the difference between the generous gift of grace and the unhealthy absence of boundaries.

3.  If you take a day off, the world won't come to an end.  Everything does not ultimately depend on how much you personally can accomplish in a prescribed amount of time.

4.  You deserve to be treated well.  And it is your responsibility to put yourself in a situation where that is going to happen.  (My dad actually told me this one when I was 19.  But it has taken me the last 24 years to really understand and begin to apply it.)

5.  There will be some people who just don't like you.  It might be you.  It might be them.  It might just be the way it happens.  Either way, you can live with it.  Everyone doesn't have to like you; you only have to live with yourself.

6.  If the weather is really bad, stay home.  Nowhere you have to go is that important.

7.  Sometimes, you'll know that you have done the right thing, and you will be the only one who thinks so.  That's OK.

8.  Sometimes, you'll think that you have done the right thing, but you will have screwed up royally.  That's OK too.  This is what grace is for.  There is no prize for always having done the right thing.

9.  Sometimes, you'll have done everything right, and things will still go horribly wrong anyway.  Doing the right thing is not a promise of any particular outcome.

10.  When you're eating mixed nuts, don't pick out all those brazil nuts that you hate and eat them first.  Still pick them out--make no mistake.  But when you've found them all, go throw them away.  You hate those.

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