Thursday, February 2, 2012

Some Things I Would Do If I Wasn't So Tired

1.  Go upstairs and clean my bedroom.  And I mean actually clean it, not just hang up the articles of clothing that are randomly strewn around and then wash my hands of the rest of it and walk out.  Sort through the strange and unrelated collection of items that are on top of my dresser.  Go through the box of stuff that my mom brought me from my childhood bedroom closet and probably throw most of it out.  Vacuum that tiny strip of carpet behind the headboard of the bed.  Keep going until it's really finished.

2.  Read some of the non-fiction books that are in my stack.  The fiction ones always get pulled to the top of the pile, because, let's face it, they are an enjoyable escape from reality that doesn't require too much brainpower.  But there are currently three others, at least one of which is work-related, which have been languishing there for quite some time while I try to muster the concentration to tackle them.

3.  Pay bills.  This one I will eventually do, obviously, or I would be sitting in a darkened house with no internet connection right now, unable to type this blog post.  But I really should do it promptly and proactively, on payday, before it's a matter of absolute urgency.  Instead I will sit on my rear, staring vacantly at TV, until the impending threat of late fees and other penalties has me shelling out an extra $2.75 for the privilege of paying instantly over the phone at 11:42 pm on the due date.

4.  Pack a lunch to take to work.  Rather than routinely getting by on some combination of Cheez-Its, stale bagels, and Dove chocolates, because I'm not going to do it in the morning before work either.

5.  Deal with some of those annoying, minor administrative tasks from work.  I've got emails that need to be sorted and archived, papers that need to be filed, documentation of completed projects that should have been submitted a month ago.  I'd get paid for the time I spend tidying it all up.  But I just don't want to.

6.  There are probably more, but in order to list them I'd have to actually think hard enough to come up with them.  Anyway, tackling the first five is probably enough to keep me busy for a while.

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